The newly released, smart Danish-designed, DMT Tissue Puller – 560TP is an easy to use tissue tensiometer system for quickly determining tensile strength in cardiovascular or skeletal tissues.

Pharmacological research applications

Use the system for a range or research applications including biodynamics, bioreactor tissue engineering, and drug testing.

Evaluate compliance, stress-strain, fatigue

Easily evaluate compliance, stress-strain, and fatigue through real-time length-tension plots.
Ideal for measuring tensile properties in conduit arteries (such as mouse and rat aortas) and muscular strips, the tissue is securely mounted using universal fixtures.

All-in-one, compact system

Each system includes everything you need to begin experiments immediately. Systems connect easily to a desktop or laptop via USB, streamlining data collection.
The integrated MyoPULL software handles all controls and data acquisition, providing real-time length-tension curve visualization.

Economical solution

The system software, combined with gas bubbling and vacuum connections and universal mounts, makes it a powerful and economical solution. The data from the tissue puller enhances the study of cardiovascular or skeletal muscle systems, complementing functional myograph data.


Get started quickly with the help of training videos.

  • System introduction
  • Experimental Setup
  • Calibration
  • Cleaning and maintenance