Gold Standard For Cancer Biology Research

We are excited to announce the launch of GelCount 2, the next generation of the imaging device that sets the global standard for cancer biology research.

GelCount by Oxford Optronix UK is the benchmark tool for accelerating in vitro colony, spheroid, and organoid assays. Its proven track record extends over 15 years with over 250 systems in use worldwide and 500+ scientific citations, GelCount has played a pivotal role in advancing cancer research. Now, we’re taking it to the next level.

Oxford Optronix CEO Andy Obeid explains:

“The colony formation assay is essential for understanding how cancer cells survive in response to treatments.

GelCount has played a crucial role in the quest for effective cancer therapies. Now, with GelCount 2, we’re not just continuing this legacy; we’re elevating it.”

What’s New in GelCount 2?

  • Up to 50% faster imaging compared to the previous GelCount system. Count and analyse four 6-well plates in under 10 minutes.
  • Enhanced user experience with streamlined software.
  • Upcoming compatibility with Ibidi® 15-well 3D chamber slides.
  • Future AI-powered detection for colonies, spheroids, and organoids.

GelCount 2 is available now. Join us in revolutionizing cancer research!

Learn more about GelCount and other Oxford Optronix systems