APAC Scientific is excited to be representing world-leading Ugo Basile instruments for behavioural research in Australia and New Zealand.
Established since 1963, Ugo Basile is a pioneer in the development and manufacture of innovative, high quality devices for research. More than 15,000 published scientific papers have cited the use of Ugo Basile devices.
Ugo Basile devices can be grouped into categories including:
- Pain and Inflammation,
- Motory Coordination, Grip Strength, Activity
- Ventilators And Gas Anesthesia
- Behaviour, Conditioning, Reward
- Behaviour, Mazes, Tracking
- Blood Pressure & Vital Functions
- Tissue Baths, Transducers
We look forward to meeting and helping local Ugo Basile customers as well as showcasing the capabilities of new and current products.