We are excited to be appointed the exclusive distributor for Kent Scientific’s preclinical & drug discovery research tools for rodent research in Australia and New Zealand. The innovative product range includes systems for noninvasive blood pressure, physiological monitoring and anesthesia management.

“This is a valued partnership with strong commitment to providing Kent Scientific customers with exceptional service,” said APAC Scientific CEO, Graham Milliken.

“It is our mission to empower local researchers by offering the best solutions. Kent Scientific is an established leader producing high quality systems for more than 30 years. The company’s highly-rated systems deliver fast, consistent and accurate results.

“Along with my team, I am looking forward to working with existing and new customers to help them choose the right tools to advance their research, as well as further enhancing their product experience.” 

Well known product brands in the range include

  • SomnoSuite® low-flow anesthesia delivery for mice and rats;
  • RoVent Ventilators;
  • PhysioSuite® Physiological Monitoring System;
  • CODA® High Throughput System
  • SurgiSuite

Anesthesia system

Product Highlight: Somnosuite Anesthesia System

Quiet, portable and easy to use, the digital SomnoSuite anaesthesia system for mice and rats has been highly rated in dozens of reviews by your peers. Here are a few quotes:

“because it is digital, we have absolute control over the delivered anesthetic”

Gives you the complete picture
“has modules to monitor the animal’s condition”

“I love that the unit will use room air or compressed gas”

Cost savings
“cherry on top is the super low waste of isoflurane”

“safer for mice and experimenters!”

“We are total converts”, “one of the best investments I’ve made for the lab!”, “I would (and do) highly recommend it”